JR 26

I felt challenged during this activity. I was also very surprised by how difficult I found this activity and by how few times I was able to write in the second and third condition.

In the realm of the student I believe both would pose significant challenges, however, they would be in different ways. Physical disabilities may prevent them from taking part in the activities that other students are engaging in. They may also feel like they are ostracized because their disability is more apparent than a learning disability. This may have a negative impact on a student’s feelings of social integration; as a result, they may struggle in academics and other areas of their life. In this way, the negative effects of a physical disability on students are indirect. On the other hand,  a learning disabilities effects are far more direct. If an individual struggle to learn or process information at the same rate that another individual does, they may have difficulties keeping up with a college paced course. This may result in them falling behind and thus not being successful in academics. I do not think I could pick one to be worse than the other, they impact students in such different, distinct ways.

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